Educators & Caregivers
National Poison Prevention Week March 16-22, 2025
The submission deadline for the statewide contest has been extended to March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM EST
Grades K-4 and 5-12 have another chance to win the Video and Poster Contest!
Following the same guidelines for the National Poison Prevention Week Council, students can submit their posters and videos to the Michigan Poison & Drug Information Center to be featured on our website and our quarterly newsletter, the Poison Periodical.
Please submit PDF files for posters and MP4 files for videos. Contact the Poison Center Educator directly at fs5573@wayne.edu for more questions.
Contest Summary
The National Poison Prevention Week Council is holding a contest to raise awareness among students K-12 nationwide. The 2025 theme is “When the Unexpected Happens, Poison Help is here for you.” You can help tell your friends about poison dangers and how to stay safe from poisoning!
If you are a student in grades 5-12, you can create a video.
If you are a student in grades K-4, you can participate in the poster contest.

Partnership for Poison Prevention Education
Schools, local health departments, community action agencies, tribal health services, and other human service agencies located in the state of Michigan are invited to collaborate with the MiPDC to provide Poison Prevention Education services in the communities they serve.
General Poison Prevention (Adults)
General Poison Prevention (Youth)
Medication Safety (Adults)
Medication Safety (Youth)
Substance Misuse Prevention (Adults)
Substance Misuse Prevention (Youth)
Your Poison Center: MiPDC Overview (Youth and Adults)
Food Safety (Youth and Adults)
Seasonal Poison Prevention (all ages)
Outdoor Poison Prevention (all ages)
“You Can Help Too!” Poison Prevention for Pre-K through Kindergarten
Video content, materials, and assessment tools are provided by the Michigan Poison & Drug Information Center.
To learn more the Partnership for Poison Prevention Education with the MiPDC and how your agency or institution can use these tools, please complete and submit the form with the subject “Partnership for Poison Prevention Education”.
Education Outreach Services & Material Requests
To obtain poison prevention materials or to plan education outreach events with the Michigan Poison & Drug Information Center click the button below or call:
1-800-222-1222 and dial extension 2 to reach our Community Outreach Educator or click the link below.
Community Education Outreach-Needs Assessment
Provide information to help the Michigan Poison & Drug Information Center assist your organization or educational institution with Public Safety & Poison Prevention education needs.
Community Education Outreach-Feed Back
If you have attended an organizational or community-based education outreach session with the MiPDC Poison Center Educator, please click the link to complete a short evaluation and provide your feedback. Thank you!