Tobacco, E-cigarettes & Vaping
Tobacco and E-Cigarette Prevention
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services-Substance Use, Gambling, and Epidemiology division provides resources and data to help prevent use of nicotine containing products and prevention tools. Click the link to learn more.
Vaping & Tobacco Use
This short video from the MiPDC higlights information about the toxic effects of tobacco and vape product use. Click the link below to view.
Searchable Tobacco Products Database
User-friendly list of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, that may be legally marketed in the United States. The database is designed to serve the public, especially retailers, by providing this key information in a single location. The databasewill be updated on a monthly basis. Click below to access this FDA database.
Clear The Air: Updates on Vaping
Dr. Varun Vohra with the MiPDC discusses the health risks and dangers associated with vaping and nicotine use with The Family Center of Grosse Pointe. We welcome anyone who wants to take a deeper look at the effects of chemicals in vaping products and nicotine to set aside an hour for this in depth look in “Clearing the Air”.
Teens are disproportionally effected by vaping. Resources made for teens and others from smokefree.gov area available. Click below to access this site.
Teens & Vaping
Undergraduate students with Western Michigan University’s Health Literacy Practices in collaboration with the MiPDC created this graphic to help youth understand the risks associated with Vaping and E-Cigarettes.
At SmokeFree.gov the public can find great resources and tools to help with smoking cessation and to quit vaping. Click below to learn more about targeted tools for teens and adults.
Materials Request
To obtain poison prevention and safety education materials, click the button below or call 1-800-222-1222 to reach our educator.