Ensuring Your Safety
The Michigan Poison and Drug Information Center at the Wayne State University School of Medicine is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to prevent poisonings, reduce severity of toxic exposures, educate care-givers and professionals, and promote poison prevention by providing high quality toxicological expertise. Physicians, pharmacists, poison center specialists, and educators with the Michigan Poison and Drug Information Center are principle information resources available to Michigan residents and health care professionals for poisonings and toxin-related emergencies.
Our center imparts expert guidance to callers, provides education for health care providers and laypersons via outreach throughout the state, collaborates with state agencies, and participates in dynamic clinical research. These efforts culminate in the Michigan Poison and Drug Information Center fostering the progressive development of standards and practices for treating and preventing toxic exposures.
To establish an indelible presence state-wide as the leader in the provision of expert toxicological patient care, toxicology education, and poison prevention and risk-mitigation information. Furthermore, to continue to sustain and strengthen a highly collaborative relationship with health care facilities, first responders, educational institutions and state public health agencies with the sole focus on ensuring the safety of Michigan residents.