Michigan Poison Center: Calls about disinfectant, bleach rise dramatically amid pandemic
LANSING — The Michigan Poison Center has seen calls about exposure to disinfectants and bleach rise dramatically over the past month, officials said.
In April alone, calls about bleach exposure increased 113% from the year before, calls about disinfectants increased by 400% and hand sanitizer-related calls increased by 91%, said Varun Vohra, academic and managing director at the Michigan Poison Center.
Vohra said the hotline saw an increase in calls Friday, the day after President Donald Trump wondered aloud about the possibility of injecting disinfectants as a treatment for COVID-19. Trump later told reporters he was "asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen."
Although Vohra said he could not confirm if the spike in calls was due to Trump's comment, he said from Friday to Sunday, the center saw an 89% increase in calls about exposures of household disinfectants from the previous weekend.
The center has not had any calls about injections of disinfectants, which Vohra called a "good sign." They've had calls from people asking if it was OK to drink bleach because of what they'd heard during Trump's press briefing.
From Feb. 1 to April 25, calls about bleach rose 38% from that same time frame in 2019. Hand sanitizer-related calls rose 54% and calls involving disinfectants rose 180%. Calls about all household cleaning substances, including bleach and disinfectants, rose 53%.
The majority of the calls received by the poison center involve unintentional exposures or children under 5. Vohra cautioned parents to keep disinfectants and bleach out of reach from children, in a locked cabinet if possible.
Disinfectants and bleach can cause burns to the throat, skin irritation, dizziness, stinging in the nose and eyes and damage to the lungs and other organs.
The impact the chemicals would have on someone depends on the concentration of the product, the amount ingested and their age. Young children and vulnerable adults are more at-risk.
"Typically we've seen most exposures are minor in nature, with the potential of being really bad," Vohra said.
Michigan's numbers are is consistent with national numbers, which have also skyrocketed during the pandemic, Vohra said.
Nationwide, poison exposure reports from cleaners and disinfectants rose 20% from January 2019 to March 2019 to this year at the same time, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
The daily number of calls to poison centers increased sharply at the beginning of March, with reports of children under 5 representing a large portion of the calls. Bleach and hand sanitizer were involved in the largest percent of the call increase.
One call involved an adult who was soaking her produce in a 10% bleach solution after she came home from the grocery store, according to the CDC. Another was a toddler who drank hand sanitizer.
For more information, call the Michigan Poison Control at 800-222-1222, or find them on Twitter at @michiganpoison.
Contact reporter Kara Berg at 517-377-1113 or kberg@lsj.com. Follow her on Twitter @karaberg95.